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发表于 2021-11-6 15:00:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 邓文龙 于 2021-11-6 15:10 编辑





论文标题:Low glycaemic diets alter lipid metabolism to influence tumour growth
作者:Lien, Evan C., Westermark, Anna M., Zhang, Yin, Yuan, Chen, Li, Zhaoqi, Lau, Allison N., Sapp, Kiera M., Wolpin, Brian M., Vander Heiden, Matthew G.
摘要:Dietary interventions can change metabolite levels in the tumour microenvironment, which might then affect cancer cell metabolism to alter tumour growth1,2,3,4,5. Although caloric restriction (CR) and a ketogenic diet (KD) are often thought to limit tumour progression by lowering blood glucose and insulin levels6,7,8, we found that only CR inhibits the growth of select tumour allografts in mice, suggesting that other mechanisms contribute to tumour growth inhibition. A change in nutrient availability observed with CR, but not with KD, is lower lipid levels in the plasma and tumours. Upregulation of stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD), which synthesises monounsaturated fatty acids, is required for cancer cells to proliferate in a lipid-depleted environment, and CR also impairs tumour SCD activity to cause an imbalance between unsaturated and saturated fatty acids to slow tumour growth. Enforcing cancer cell SCD expression or raising circulating lipid levels through a higher-fat CR diet confers resistance to the effects of CR. By contrast, although KD also impairs tumour SCD activity, KD-driven increases in lipid availability maintain the unsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratios in tumours, and changing the KD fat composition to increase tumour saturated fatty acid levels cooperates with decreased tumour SCD activity to slow tumour growth. These data suggest that diet-induced mismatches between tumour fatty acid desaturation activity and the availability of specific fatty acid species determine whether low glycaemic diets impair tumour growth.


一项来自美国麻省理工学院(MIT)的研究表明,热量限制(caloric restriction)比生酮饮食(ketogenic diet)更能抑制肿瘤的生长。虽然二者都可以通过降低血糖和胰岛素水平来限制肿瘤生长,但只有(?)限制热量的方法能够改变肿瘤的血脂水平以限制其发育。

研究人员研究了热量限制和生酮饮食对胰腺癌小鼠的影响,发现只有热量限制能够降低血浆和肿瘤的血脂水平,并且可以影响癌细胞用以适应低血脂环境的酶的活性,即硬脂酰辅酶 A 去饱和酶(SCD),从而打破不饱和脂肪酸和饱和脂肪酸的平衡。相比之下,生酮饮食虽然也可以抑制这种酶的活性,但它会使血脂增高,从而将这种比例维持在适宜肿瘤生长发育的水平。后续研究将进一步探究饮食干预对肿瘤代谢的影响,以寻求在已有的癌症治疗方法中加入新的策略。相关论文 10 月 20 日发表于《自然》(Nature)。(Nature)


https://www.linkresearcher.com/t ... 0-9410-3dcfac58b8e2

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