
楼主 |
发表于 2022-9-12 17:54:43
本帖最后由 顾汉现 于 2022-12-27 16:44 编辑
(Baidu English Translation: )
On the decisive battle between human beings and microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria
Hantao Gu
First draft on September 19, 2021 (revised for the first time on 21.11.17 and revised for the second time on 22.1.15 )
About 13.7 billion years ago, the universe in which we live has a diameter of 93 billion light years. The big bang started at the singularity and gradually formed the protons, electrons, quarks, protons, neutrons, atomic nuclei, various atoms, elements, molecules, etc. About 4.6 billion years ago, the formation of the solar system and the earth, and from about 3.8 billion years ago, began the long biological evolution process from organic compounds to the highest organism, our human beings. Since about 3.7 billion years ago, prokaryotic cells (bacteria, etc.) and eukaryotic cells (yeast, insects, our human beings, and higher plants, etc.) have evolved gradually. And evolved viruses.
There are three theories about the origin of viruses:
1) The theory of retrogressive origin. The theory of retrogressive origin holds that viruses are degenerated forms of intracellular parasites.
Since about 10-1 billion years ago (or earlier), there may be some parasites such as prokaryotic bacteria, which degenerate and mutate in the host cells and discard most of its contents. Only DNA is retained and protein is coated on the outside to form viruses. They live a parasitic life in bacteria (called bacteriophages) and eukaryotic cells from yeast to human beings (called DNA viruses) Growing, reproducing, spreading, inheriting and perpetuating the virus race.
2) The theory that viruses originate from RNA and/or DNA components in host cells.
3) The theory that viruses originate from primitive macromolecules with the function of autonomous replication, that is, viruses originate from RNA molecules with autonomous replication.
Our long-standing fight at outrance between human beings and viruses, bacteria and fungi has been so smart, capable, and gain a complete victory. Sometimes, however, it will fail like a global COVID-19 pneumonia pandemic, which is about 2019-12, and is still in progress (22-1). (3.2) more than more than 5 million 500 thousand patients die, some aircraft are grounded, and some parts of the aircraft are cut off. Unprecedented damage and human fiasco! The main reasons are the lack of unity in the fight against the epidemic, the lack of scientificity, and the poor distribution of funds, personnel and goods. Now, until the end of the pandemic (it may take about a year), the world should continue to do a good job in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases: 1 2. Management (control and isolation) of infectious sources Cut off the route of transmission, 2 Protect vulnerable (vulnerable) populations and many prevention and control details.
Like this 2020 COVID-19 pneumonia, from 2021 this year to 2040 years about 20 years, there may be 1-2 times, a global pandemic or a small epidemic in some area of the world. We should prevent (treat) and use the strategy of decisive battle! (please refer to: Hantao Gu 21.4.5 predicts the world's next respiratory virus infectious disease in about 7 years, and Facebook and other websites https://www.facebook.com/hantao.gu.75/posts/285101349885265 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7286973296 http://www.kaseisyoji.com/forum. ... amp;extra=page%3D13 )
There will be about 90-2% of the world's infectious diseases in 100-20 years, and it will be reduced by about 2221-2% in 2021-20 years! These require the contribution of countries with financial resources, the cooperation and efforts of multidisciplinary scientists, the coordination and guidance of international organizations such as health care, and so on.
Now we humans are quite intelligent, knowledgeable, experienced and have economic conditions, that is, money, materials and personnel. We have achieved the above strategic objectives of the great showdown, and implemented the three major principles and details of isolation, cut-off, protection and prevention of infectious diseases more scientifically and effectively. Kill or reduce harmful microorganisms. Make more use of scientific forces such as thermodynamics, biophysics, molecular biology and artificial intelligence. We will continue to strengthen research on broad-spectrum vaccines. Reduce the number and fecundity of harmful wild animals. Bless mankind!
(key words in the next 200 years:
Knowledge simplification education major public key education
Virus killing agent, bactericide, high efficiency and low toxicity, gaseous inhalation of chlorinated salts, and many others
Management (control, isolation)
Cut off and stop operation (avoid 3 density of passenger flow)
Protect warm, warm, thermodynamics, immunity, epidemic prevention and broad-spectrum vaccine
Reduce the number of wild bats and so on
Prediction and early warning computer artificial intelligence)
(Gu Hantao talks about the first draft with Jane on September 19, 21)
(the first modification on November 17, 2021, the second modification on January 15, 2022 and the draft will be further added and modified)
(2022.9.12. Due to the lack of staff and funds in our small team, we are unable to continue to write this article. We will suspend it and continue to write it when conditions permit. Sorry! We also welcome those who are ambitious and knowledgeable, follow our ideas, continue to research, write, and benefit mankind!)
Hantao Gu
今回の2020新型コロナウイルス肺炎などは、今年2021年から2040年までの約20年間、1-2回、世界的な大流行や世界のある地域で小流行する可能性がある。予防、大决戦戦略で!(関連項目:Hantao Gu 21.4.5約7年後の世界の次の呼吸器ウイルス伝染病Facebookなどのサイト接続を予測 https://www.facebook.com/hantao.gu.75/posts/285101349885265 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7286973296 http://www.kaseisyoji.com/forum. ... amp;extra=page%3D13 )