
楼主 |
发表于 2022-10-31 21:25:14
本帖最后由 顾汉现 于 2022-11-14 19:15 编辑
(Baidu Translation: )
Continue to do a good job in the three principles and various details of COVID-19 pneumonia prevention (to prevent the 8th wave of Japan, etc.)
(Originator: Gu Hantao)
The three major principles for the prevention of COVID-19 pneumonia are: 1. managing (controlling and isolating) the source of infection, 2. cutting off the transmission route, 3. protecting vulnerable (weak) people (mainly vaccines), with dozens or more details, and no country in the world can do all of them (very difficult). From the perspective of results, such as incidence rate, mortality, long-term COVID-19 sequelae, China is better. Japan also has a low mortality rate.
In the late autumn of 2022 and the coming winter, it is suggested that Japan should properly invest a small amount of funds and personnel to prevent the eighth wave of COVID-19 pneumonia in Japan. The prevention and control needs of COVID-19 in Japan: scientific, public, administrative, three aspects of efforts and coordination.
Japan, the United States, Europe, China and other countries may be able to lead the three global and worldwide epidemic control of COVID-19 pneumonia from January 2020 to today (20, 21, 22 years, but not ideal, successful control, unfortunately) (Gu Zengti suggested). It is also a pity to miss the control of Japan's domestic COVID-19 twice: the first time in the summer of 2021, the Olympic Games spectators can enter the country, and the second time in the summer of 2022, to reduce more than 10 million COVID-19 patients in Japan (Gu Zengti suggested). Now, today 2022-10-28 To prevent the occurrence of the eighth wave in Japan this winter (some scholars estimate that the number of patients in the eighth wave may be similar to the sixth wave or the seventh wave. There are also predictions that after full injection of COVID-19 vaccine, from about 2022-11 to February 2023, the number of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in Japan may be 5 to 8 million. Our technology and methods may significantly reduce the number of patients (About 80-90% of the total predicted number of the 8th wave can be reduced, in other words, the number of patients can be reduced to about 10-20% of the 6th wave or the 7th wave.), This time, officials and civilians will work together and may succeed. But now we need to make preparations in many aspects, prepare a small number of personnel and funds, and it is only about three months before January and February 2023.
It is suggested that Japan should adopt the method of self care: Japan should continue to implement the current COVID-19 vaccine injection, disinfection and epidemic prevention, do a good job in economic production, policies and methods, and make appropriate improvements and add some scientific methods, such as disinfection and sterilization the virus, improving immunity, etc., which can greatly reduce the number of COVID-19 patients by more than 80%, that is, the eighth wave predicts that the number of possible patients will be reduced from about 5 to 8 million to about 1 to 1.6 million. The reduction is huge.
Recently, some scholars have put forward the view that COVID-19 infection may cause slight or mild (even moderate) deterioration of intelligence, physical ability and physical fitness, and multiple systems of people in countries or regions, or even worldwide. American scholar Fauci and others advocate that COVID-19 Vaccine should be used to vaccinate citizens every year for more than 10 years, and Chinese scholars will also prepare to use vaccine to prevent COVID-19 infection for many years. There are also many high-level papers on nature, science and its sub journals, and they have begun to study COVID-19, which involves DNA damage and repair, damages the epigenetics of histones, methylation, etc., and damages the nucleus, organelles, plasma membranes, various cellular enzymes and receptors, such as ACE2 receptors. Many papers have studied COVID-19 infection, acute or chronic long-term comprehensive injury of lung, heart, brain, kidney, liver, pancreas, digestive tract, reproductive system, immune system, sports system, etc. The government and civilian medical circles in various countries should do a good job in implementing the medium - and long-term plans and measures to prevent and treat COVID-19 infection. (Gu has put forward suggestions and plans for anti microbial and epidemic prevention in the world for 20 and 200 years.) This year, Japan has a high incidence of incidence rate and many patients. It is necessary to protect and improve the physique and quality of Japanese people and prevent degradation.
COVID-19 infection damages brain behavioral arousal, nerves, sympathetic system, etc. It damages intelligence, it has coexisted with human beings, will be slightly but repeatedly infected, or recessive infection, accumulated damage for many years (such as about 10 years), reduces intelligence, even if only 1 point of IQ is reduced in one year, 10 points can be reduced in about 10 years, which is what is worrying. I am worried about human degradation. COVID-19 infection, generally speaking, the damage of intelligent people is more serious than that of ordinary people, human beings are more serious than other primates, more serious than other lower mammals, and the more intelligent mammals may be, the more serious they are. It is hoped that leaders, politicians and scientists from Japan, Europe, America, China and other countries in the world will pay attention to it.
I have basically solved the problem of cheap and effective basic medicine for the prevention, treatment and cure of long-term sequelae of COVID-19. It has basically solved the methods of slowing down and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, and is studying how to eliminate the COVID-19 infection (it is difficult because this virus already exists in all parts of the world) (Eradication? More difficult, future considerations.)
(Medical knowledge: infectious disease, three factors: pathogen, human body and environment. Infection status: pathogen carrier, recessive infection, potential infection, and dominant infection. Three links in the epidemic process: source of infection, route of transmission and susceptible population. Prevention: manage (control, isolate) the source of infection, cut off the route of transmission, and protect vulnerable (weak) people (mainly vaccines). Treatment: general, pathogenic, symptomatic, etc. There are five stages of pandemic: pandemic, deceleration, control, elimination and eradication.)
(The prevention and control of COVID-19 infection needs: scientific, administrative and public efforts and hard work.)
(If necessary,when there are research funds and personnel, this Facebook text can be added to a comprehensive monograph of about 30000 to 50000 words, or a small monograph of 250000 to 500000 words, which is written in the framework of arguments, arguments, arguments and conclusions, so that it has reference value, or some guiding value, or even some modifications or additions, and translated into English, French, Chinese and other foreign languages for reference by countries around the world.)
(References: to be entered)
(The first draft of 2022-10-21, the first revision of 22-10-28, and the second revision of 22-10-30. Appropriate additions and modifications will continue)
(百度翻訳: )
最近、学者などは、新型コロナウイルス感染が国や地域の人々、さらには世界的な人々の知能、体力と身体素質、多系統などの軽度または軽度(さらには中度など)の退化を引き起こす可能性があるとの見方を示している。米国の学者フォーキー氏らは今後10年余り、毎年新型コロナウイルス感染予防のためのワクチンを国民に接種すると主張しており、中国の学者らも長年ワクチンを使って新型コロナウイルス感染を予防する準備をしている。複数の自然、科学及びその子刊などの高レベル論文もあり、新型コロナウイルスのDNA損傷と修復、損失及びグロブリン、メチル化などの見かけ上の遺伝、損失及び細胞核、細胞器、質膜、多種の細胞酵素と受容体、例えばACE 2受容体などの受容体を研究し始めた。多くの論文は新型コロナウイルス感染、急性または慢性長期総合損傷肺、心、脳、腎臓、肝臓、膵臓、消化管、生殖システム、免疫システム、運動システムなどを研究した。各国の官民医学界などは、新型コロナウイルス感染の予防と治療のための中長期的な計画と措置をしっかりと実行しなければならない。(全世界の20年と2百年の抗菌、防疫提案、計画などを顧みて)今年の来日の発病率はすでに高く、患者はすでに多く、日本国の民衆の体質、素質を保護し、向上させ、退化を防止しなければならない。
(2022-10-21初稿、22-10-28第1回修正、22-10-30第2回修正。適切な増書と修正を継続する) |